Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sunspots 296

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

Humor: Katherine eats out, with her family, in a restaurant where you can't see anything.

Science: Carl Zimmer tells us that, under certain conditions, a body in a grave can turn into soap.

A study shows that students learn better if the handouts they are given are not in a plain font like this one, or this one, but in a "disfluent" font, like Comic Sans. Interesting, for sure.

Computing: David Pogue, of the New York Times, discusses how our obsession with replacing our electronic gadgets frequently impacts the environment, and what, if anything, to do about this. 

Image source (public domain)


  1. I forwarded the link about the restaurant to my husband. He hates romantically dim lighting - I don't think he would go for that one at all!

  2. Another thing: it's not "our" obsession with replacing electronic gadgets - they are made to become obsolete in a ridiculously short time!

  3. Поздравляю вас Старо-Новым годом, желаю вам в новом году успехов и спасибо что вы находите время поддерживать ваш замечательный блог!

  4. Thank you, Anonymous. I translated into Russian and read what you said.

    No, FancyHorse, that's too dim for me (I think)!

    True, but they wouldn't be made that way if the makers didn't know that we have an appetite for "newer and better."
