Sunday, April 23, 2017

Impressions, by Martin Wells Knapp, 45

In a previous excerpt, Knapp stated that there are four features of "impressions" from God. These are Scriptural; Right (consistent with good morals); Providential (in harmony with God's will); and Reasonable. His discussion of "Impressions from Above" continues, going from considering if, and who, to marry, to this topic:

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Every believer soon after conversion feels a heart longing for the blessed baptism of the Holy Spirit, which will fully cleanse from all inbred sin, and thus give complete victory over fear, impatience, unbelief, pride, and all the uprisings which are felt from time to time in the heart which has not accepted the Holy Spirit as its complete sanctifier. This longing may find but incomplete expression, yet a deep heart hunger it is there, and craves satisfaction.

A strong impression soon conies to such a soul that complete victory is provided through the atonement, that God requires entire holiness, and that it should be sought and received as definitely as conversion. Flying to the fourfold tests for light it is found first.

S. That the feeling is Scriptural. God commands: "Be ye holy." The Word also declares: "Be ye filled with the Spirit." "This is the will of God, even your sanctification." "For God hath not called us unto uncleanness but unto holiness."

It also promises cleansing from "All filthiness of the flesh and Spirit," and that "We being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve Him without fear in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life."

Jesus also promised that He would send the Holy Spirit, and commanded His disciples to tarry until they received Him. The Apostles and members of the early church received this induement and the Word declares that it is for all believers.

Prophets, Apostles and Jesus possessed this experience, and under its influence their lives glowed with holy fire.

Scripture command, precept, promise, experience and prophecy, all combine to show that every believer may claim by faith this precious legacy, and be as conscious that the Holy Spirit fully sanctifies as he is that Jesus fully forgives. Glory be to God for such assurance!

R. In regard to the rightfulness of such an experience there can be no doubt. If it is right to obey God, to be pure, and live a holy life, then this is right.

P. Next, is it attainable? If the conditions of receiving it are such that they can not be met, then all are providentially debarred from this privilege. On the other hand, however, they are simple, plain and practicable. A complete consecration which yields every power and possession entirely to God forever, and then a present faith in the promises which offer the gift of the Holy Ghost, are the sole conditions upon which this priceless boon is granted. These conditions all can meet who will, so that
this voice unites with the two preceding in proclaiming, that the impulse to be filled with the Spirit, is of God.

R. That such an experience is "a reasonable service," is seen from the following facts: God commands it and promises it.

The wisest and most successful saints have claimed it and proclaimed it.

It satisfies the longings of the soul.

It delivers from besetments, and gives new power to work for God and resist the devil.

It convinces the world as nothing else will of the divinity of our religion.

God has given it to all who have met the conditions, and "He is no respecter of persons."

It is the only thing that will enable one to be perfectly holy.

Without it, it is impossible to be free from carnality.

With it growth in grace is greatly facilitated.

Without, our joy can not be full.

Excerpted from Impressions, by Martin Wells Knapp. Original publication date, 1892. Public domain. My source is here. The previous post in the series is here.

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