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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Sunspots 608

Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:

The Arts: From "The Writer's Almanac," a fine poem on fish.

Christianity: Benjamin L. Corey wishes that atheists would stop talking about Christians in some ways that aren't really valid.

Computing: Gizmo's Freeware evaluates some free video editing software.

Christianity Today warns against using "Jesus," "john316," and the like as passwords. They're too easy to guess.

And Christianity Today reports that Amazon's Alexa will read the Bible, or from a variety of daily devotionals, on command.

Food: Scientific American reports that eating certain foods makes men more attractive to women.

Health: Scientific American, and many more outlets, report that scientists are now recommending that all babies be exposed to peanuts.

History: Listverse reports on 10 interesting things found below present-day cities.

Science: Listverse reports on "10 fascinating wonders of Antarctica."

The BBC reports on research which may lead to growing our own dental fillings, rather than having them made of foreign materials, and put in by dentists.

Sports: Relevant reports on a 105-year-old cyclist.

Image source (public domain)


FancyHorse said...

I would not want to be one of the women in that Scietific American test!

Growing dental fillings could be less expensive than gold ones, I would hope. (I confess I haven't read the article, yet.)

Martin LaBar said...

No. I'll pass on eating anything to make myself more attractive.

No need to confess -- the annotations in "Sunspots" often tell you all that you need to know. The self-growing fillings are still experimental.

Thank you for your comments.