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Friday, January 04, 2019

Quotation about how death is viewed in the Bible

Psalm 104 and Matthew 6, among other biblical texts, speak of organisms eating other organisms, never once ascribing this to the fall or calling it suffering or a waste.
- quotation from Chapter 18 in Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins by Robert C. Bishop, Larry L. Funck, Raymond J. Lewis, Stephen O. Moshier, and John H. Walton. My source is here.

Job 38-39 are “other biblical texts” that dont call predation a waste, or a cause of evil suffering. Neither does Jeremiah 12:8-10, Amos 3:4-5, Nahum 2:11-12, or other passages.

Thanks for reading.


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Martin LaBar said...

Thanks, if you are a real person.