Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Index to some previous posts

This is an index to most of my previous posts. Posts on trees and leaves are indicated by green.

Posts on Blogging
Why this title? Jan 28, 05 (Where does the name, "Sun and Shield" come from?)

On Evangelical Blogging, Jan 29, 05 (This post has received more comments than any other, probably because it is mostly a quote from C. S. Lewis.)

"Further In" with the arts, Apr 6, 05

Posts on Science and Faith
Christ Came as an Embryo, Dec 24, 04

Is scientific knowledge reliable? Jan 19, 05

C. S. Lewis on Space Travel, Jan 20, 05

Thoughts on Hebrews 11:3, Jan 25, 05

Science and the Bible, Jan 28, 05

Leaves, Part I, Feb 1, 05

Leaves: on uniformity and diversity, Feb 2, 05

Will animals go to heaven? Feb 22, 05

The Fall and the Immune System, Feb 26, 05

Technology: Some Biblical Basics, Mar 9, 05

Cal Thomas on Global Warming, Mar 17, 05

Blood Sacrifices, Mar 23, 05

Mrs. Cain? Inbreeding in the Old Testament, Apr 4, 05

Scriptural Principles that Relate to Science, Apr 12, 05

Einstein and Christ's Sacrifice, Apr 16, 05

Posts on Science
How Trees Grow (Hint: not like us), Feb 8, 05

How do you understand a tree? (or under stand it), Feb 9, 05

Riftia and Black Smokers: Review of Aliens of the Deep, Feb 13, 05

Another undersea community discovered, Feb 18, 05

Social and writing skills of scientists; more, Feb 24, 05

Embryonic Stem Cells Without Embryos? Mar 18, 05

Living wills, advanced directives, Mar 31, 05

Mutated azalea, Apr 5, 05

Maple seeds everywhere, Apr 17, 05

colors series
Red, Feb 14, 05

Orange, Feb 16, 05

Colors: Some scientific background, Feb 18, 05

Yellow, Feb 17, 05

Green, Feb 20, 05

Blue, Feb 21, 05

Indigo, Feb 23, 05

Violet, Feb 25, 05

Brown, Feb 28, 05

Gray, or is it Grey?, Mar 1, 05

Gray, Mar 2, 05

Purple, Scarlet, & Crimson, Mar 6, 05

Gold and Silver, Mar 11, 05

White, Mar 16, 05

Black, Mar 25, 05

Posts on Fantastic Literature
Sharon Shinn, Dec 30, 2004

Ursula Le Guin's Complaint, Jan 5, 05

Is Harry Potter a Bad Influence? Part I, Jan 11, 05

Is Harry Potter a Bad Influence? Part II, Jan 13, 05

Jack Vance, Jan 28, 05

Trees as a major theme in fantastic literature, Feb 6, 05

Some quotations about trees, Feb 7, 05

Kiln People by David Brin, Mar 30, 05

Frodo, Ged and Hazel, Introduction, Apr 11, 05

That's Odd!, Apr 14, 05

Frodo, Ged and Hazel: Movies and Gender, Apr 18, 05

Old Hymns, and Devotional Thoughts
C. S. Lewis on faith and surgery, Jan 22, 05

Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart, Jan 29, 05

Trees and Seasons, Jan 31, 05

Leaves, Part II: Leafless and Leafy in the Bible, Feb 3, 05

Trees as a major theme in the Bible, Feb 4, 05

Is Not This the Land of Beulah? Feb 11, 05

Hathach: Lessons from a Eunuch, Feb 12, 05

Abishag: Beauty contestant and bedwarmer, Feb 27, 05

Gray, (or is it grey?) Mar 1, 05

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded, Mar 21, 05

Low In The Grave He Lay, Mar 29, 05

Sun, Shield; some thoughts, Apr 9, 05

It Is Well With My Soul, Apr 10, 05

Posts on women in the Bible
Abishag: Beauty contestant and bedwarmer, Feb 27, 05

Women in the Old Testament: 1 Apr 20, 05

Old Woodcuts, Public Domain
Triumphal Entry, March 20, 05

Last Supper Woodcut, Mar 26, 05

Angel at Empty Tomb, Mar 27, 05

Honoring two people, Feb 27, 05

Living wills, advanced directives, Mar 31, 05

Happy Birthday, younger child!, Apr 8, 05

Exalted, not flattered, Apr 15, 05

Temptations in the Narnia Books by C. S. Lewis
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Mar 3, 05

Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia, Mar 5, 05

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Mar 28, 05

The Silver Chair, Mar 8, 05

The Horse and His Boy, Mar 14, 05

The Magician's Nephew, Mar 22, 05

The Last Battle, Mar 24, 05

Greenwood to North Augusta on US Hwy 25, Apr 7, 05

Mutated azalea, Apr 5, 05 (photo by my wife)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for omitting to sign - I posted the above.
