I read a review of Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design, which book is by Stephen C. Meyer, a Fellow of the Discovery Institute, the driving force behind the Intelligent Design (ID) movement.
The reviewer, like me, claims to be a Christian, and, like me, has problems with the Intelligent Design movement, as many other Christians do. The problem that the review, Darrel Falk, emphasizes in his review is the claim by the ID movement that ID is scientific, and is not religious. The review points out a number of serious problems with Meyer's science. In fact, there is little or no experimental evidence that points toward an intelligent designer, which, of course, is not the same thing as saying that science has disproved that there is a God -- it can't, and it hasn't.
Thanks for reading this blog during this and the four previous years, even if you have only glanced at it once.

Musings on science, the Bible, and fantastic literature (and sometimes basketball and other stuff).
God speaks to us through the Bible and the findings of science, and we should listen to both types of revelation.
The title is from Psalm 84:11.
The Wikipedia is usually a pretty good reference. I mostly use the World English Bible (WEB), because it is public domain. I am grateful.
I have written an e-book, Does the Bible Really Say That?, which is free to anyone. To download that book, in several formats, go here.

The posts in this blog are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. You can copy and use this material, as long as you aren't making money from it. If you give me credit, thanks. If not, OK.

The posts in this blog are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. You can copy and use this material, as long as you aren't making money from it. If you give me credit, thanks. If not, OK.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunspots 241
Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:
From Audubon magazine: what happens when a whale's body falls to the ocean floor.
(or something) CNN says that there will be a blue moon on New Year's Eve.
Todd Wood argues, pretty convincingly, that God wants His will and purposes to be known.
"God does not leave an empirical bread crumb trail in order to demonstrate His existence." (from here.)
Kerry I Am posted a New Year's Prayer a few days early.
Image source (public domain)
From Audubon magazine: what happens when a whale's body falls to the ocean floor.
(or something) CNN says that there will be a blue moon on New Year's Eve.
Todd Wood argues, pretty convincingly, that God wants His will and purposes to be known.
"God does not leave an empirical bread crumb trail in order to demonstrate His existence." (from here.)
Kerry I Am posted a New Year's Prayer a few days early.
Image source (public domain)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Was the serpent of Genesis 3 a snake, or not?
To answer my own question, I'm not sure.
There are reasons for thinking either of these.
Although you wouldn't know it from the title, this blog post considers that question, and, like me, is not sure of the answer.
Thanks for reading.
There are reasons for thinking either of these.
Although you wouldn't know it from the title, this blog post considers that question, and, like me, is not sure of the answer.
Thanks for reading.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
My Heart is Full of Christ, by John Wesley
My heart is full of Christ, and longs
Its glorious matter to declare!
Of Him I make my loftier song,
I cannot from His praise forbear;
My ready tongue makes haste to sing
The glories of my heavenly King.
Fairer than all the earth-born race,
Perfect in comeliness Thou art;
Replenished are Thy lips with grace,
And full of love Thy tender heart:
God ever blest! we bow the knee,
And own all fullness dwells in Thee.
Gird on Thy thigh the Spirit’s sword,
And take to Thee Thy power divine;
Stir up Thy strength, almighty Lord,
All power and majesty are Thine:
Assert Thy worship and renown;
O all redeeming God, come down!
Come, and maintain Thy righteous cause,
And let Thy glorious toil succeed;
Dispread the victory of Thy cross,
Ride on, and prosper in Thy deed;
Through earth triumphantly ride on,
And reign in every heart alone.
Praise to Christ is certainly important at this, and all times. This hymn by Charles Wesley, which I have never heard sung, is one of over 250 on his page at NetHymnal.org. This is the page for this hymn.
Thanks for reading. A blessed season to you!
Its glorious matter to declare!
Of Him I make my loftier song,
I cannot from His praise forbear;
My ready tongue makes haste to sing
The glories of my heavenly King.
Fairer than all the earth-born race,
Perfect in comeliness Thou art;
Replenished are Thy lips with grace,
And full of love Thy tender heart:
God ever blest! we bow the knee,
And own all fullness dwells in Thee.
Gird on Thy thigh the Spirit’s sword,
And take to Thee Thy power divine;
Stir up Thy strength, almighty Lord,
All power and majesty are Thine:
Assert Thy worship and renown;
O all redeeming God, come down!
Come, and maintain Thy righteous cause,
And let Thy glorious toil succeed;
Dispread the victory of Thy cross,
Ride on, and prosper in Thy deed;
Through earth triumphantly ride on,
And reign in every heart alone.
Praise to Christ is certainly important at this, and all times. This hymn by Charles Wesley, which I have never heard sung, is one of over 250 on his page at NetHymnal.org. This is the page for this hymn.
Thanks for reading. A blessed season to you!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Comments to "Christ didn't come as a baby."
On December 17, 2007, I re-posted, with minor revisions, "Christ didn't come as a baby." (My point was that He actually came as an embryo. I first posted with this post title four years ago today.) I mused a bit about some possible implications, including that He may have given up awareness for part or all of the nine months.
There were several comments, not all by me, and these may be of some interest. The comments were made over several days. My guess is that some of the links to the commenters no longer work. Here are the comments:
Thanks to all the commenters, and thank you for reading.
* * * * *
As of October 30, 2012, I am closing comments on this post. There's been nothing but spam. A lot of it. If you want to comment, and aren't a spammer, please comment on another post. Thanks.
There were several comments, not all by me, and these may be of some interest. The comments were made over several days. My guess is that some of the links to the commenters no longer work. Here are the comments:
- Steve Martin said...
- Hi Martin, Now that is an interesting question! And when did Christ gain (re-gain?) awareness of his divinity?
- December 17, 2007
Martin LaBar said...
- I don't know, of course, nor am I certain that He ever lost it. But He had such awareness as a boy, when He talked to the scribes. Thanks.
- December 18, 2007
- the bible tells us that Christ was fully God and fully human. As such there doesn't seem to leave much room for argument saying that he gave up some of his awareness. Even in the womb he was fully God and fully man, it's not like suddenly he became God. That makes no sense. Being tempted isn't a wrong thing...it's the following up on the temptation that is wrong. So being tempted doesn't mean that He wasn't God, just means that he didn't sin when he was tempted.
- December 19, 2007
Martin LaBar said...
- Thanks, Annette. As I said above "I'm not sure he ever lost it." However, the fully God and fully human part, it seems to me, may have only applied when He was an adult. You are right about temptation not being sin, of course. My point was that it seems to me that it's possible that young children, maybe even babies or fetuses, are tempted in ways that are peculiar to their ages, just as there are temptations that seem to mostly occur with adolescence, or with maturity. So possibly it was necessary for Christ to also be immature, in some ways, to be tempted like we are.
- December 20, 2007
- Okay, just wanting to clarify.... do you think temptation is a result of immaturity as people? So that therefore Christ as a child wasn't really a child? and if he was that therefore he wasn't fully God?
- December 21, 2007
Martin LaBar said...
- I don't think that temptation is the result of immaturity. I do think that immature people can be tempted, at least some of them can, and that some of those temptations (to take the biggest cookie, or try to get a parent's attention when you don't really need it, for example) come in different forms to people at different stages of life. Presumably a 3-year-old can't be tempted to adultery, for example. It is orthodox church doctrine, as I understand it, that Christ was fully human and fully God, and I subscribe to that. I don't think anyone can really understand all of that, although, no doubt, some understand it much better than I do. All I'm saying is that to be "fully human" involves going through developmental stages, and if Christ were fully human, then perhaps He went through these, too. Thanks.
- December 21, 2007
Rileysowner said...
- Interesting thoughts. I think the problem is that we simply do not know. What does it mean the while an embryo Christ was fully God and fully human? I don't think we can answer it for at least two reasons. First, we simply don't know enough, and probably never will. Even as a single celled embryo everything that makes a person up (at least genetically) is already their. Yes, it has to grow and develop, but it is there. How that works its way out when joining the second person of the trinity to humanity is something that is beyond our understanding. Frankly, in my opinion, it is just as difficult to understand how this could be the case once that embryo has developed and been born and grown. While I know that the Son of God joined himself to a real human nature, I can't really comprehend how that could be. Second, this is beyond our giving an answer because the written word of God simply does not tell us about this, much like it doesn't tell us much about Jesus childhood. What we do know, is that whatever that childhood was like, it was perfectly obedient to God and without sin or he could not have been the unblemished, sinless sacrifice for the sins of all who believe. I think it may be helpful to realize that there would be a difference between what development from conception on would be like before the fall into sin and after. We cannot, at least from what we are told in the Bible, know what it would be like if Adam had never sinned, but I do believe it would be safe to say that because of that act, everything changed including how human beings develop because after that event, all human beings, even while still being in the image and likeness of God, have that corrupted and defaced so that at this point we really cannot say what it would be like without that sin we are all conceived with. I would, however, have concerns saying that Jesus took on the divine nature at some point other than at conception, because he was to be like us in every way, but without sin. That would mean being the God/man from conception on. As I said, I can't comprehend it, or what is would mean for the Son of God to be joined to a single cell, but is that not some of the wonder and glory of God doing what is so incomprehensible to us. Remember he is God.
- December 23, 2007
Martin LaBar said...
- Thanks, rileysowner! As you say "we simply do not know" and "he is god." That's about where we are on this, and a lot of other questions.
- December 24, 2007
- Martin, what is full humanity? Is it not just, well, humanity? Maybe one could imagine removing bits from someone, and then ask oneself if what remains is human; one might eliminate all the body in that way, even the final cell, if there was a human soul. Since human souls are made in the image of God (somehow), a fully human and fully divine person seems logically possible...(?)...Merry Christmas
- December 25, 2007
Martin LaBar said...
- Good question, enigman, and, of course, in death all the cells are eventually, er, eliminated, but a human soul remains. There are, however, limitations to humans, because of their bodies, especially to embryonic ones. Thanks.
- December 25, 2007
- Very nice point, Martin. But then I'm biased...embryos are cooler than babies, hands down. :-) Steve
- December 29, 2007
Martin LaBar said...
- Thanks, sfmatheson. Perhaps you are right.
- December 29, 2007
Thanks to all the commenters, and thank you for reading.
* * * * *
As of October 30, 2012, I am closing comments on this post. There's been nothing but spam. A lot of it. If you want to comment, and aren't a spammer, please comment on another post. Thanks.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunspots 240
Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:
Wired reports that the Giant Panda genome has been sequenced. These animals, so beloved of zoo visitors, lack genes for molecules that would enable them to taste meat, and also lack genes for molecules that would enable them to digest bamboo -- apparently, like termites, they rely on microorganisms in their guts to do most of the digestion.
Wired also reports on the warming effect of black carbon soot, which may be worse, in some places, than the effect of Carbon Dioxide.
From the National Science Foundation, a tour of the cell.
From the C. S. Lewis blog (about, not by, the late Lewis) some thoughts on how Lewis felt about Christmas celebrations and observances.
Image source (public domain)
Wired reports that the Giant Panda genome has been sequenced. These animals, so beloved of zoo visitors, lack genes for molecules that would enable them to taste meat, and also lack genes for molecules that would enable them to digest bamboo -- apparently, like termites, they rely on microorganisms in their guts to do most of the digestion.
Wired also reports on the warming effect of black carbon soot, which may be worse, in some places, than the effect of Carbon Dioxide.
From the National Science Foundation, a tour of the cell.
From the C. S. Lewis blog (about, not by, the late Lewis) some thoughts on how Lewis felt about Christmas celebrations and observances.
Image source (public domain)
c. s. lewis,
Monday, December 21, 2009
A War of Gifts, by Orson Scott Card
I have previously posted about Orson Scott Card, an important author of fantastic literature, and, in particular, about his Ender books. Since that time, I have read another book set in that sub-creation, which is A War of Gifts.
I'll say little about the plot, which is well summarized in the immediately previous link.
I will say that Card has dealt with religion quite directly in this book. The main character is not Ender, but Zeck Morgan, a boy whose father is the preacher of Zeck's own church, which seems to be so fundamentalist as to be a cult. Card has created a fanatic religion, and also has created Zeck in such a way that we do not doubt that he believes in the religion that his father preaches, however strange it is.
Card has also considered the influence of religion in the Battle School, the off-world location where Ender, Zeck, and others are being trained to lead in the fight against the alien Buggers. Since children from all over the world have been recruited for Battle School, no religious practice is allowed, lest it be disruptive. However, some Dutch boys start going through the rituals that they would go through at home, related to Sinterklaas. Other boys start giving simple gifts to each other (hence the book's name). The book makes clear that such rituals are not really Christian. But Zeck persuades the Muslim children that Christians are practicing their religion, and to try to practice theirs. The Muslims do their best to engage in daily prayers toward Mecca. The authorities put a stop to this, and the non-Muslim children then stop any gift exchanges.
The book is about another matter, the integration of Zeck Morgan into the society of Battle School, and his concurrent realization that his father was needlessly cruel to him. Ender, himself a pre-teen, accomplishes this by talking to Zeck. (Card's characters do a lot of talking about motivation and feelings.) Although religion cannot be practiced, Zeck is made into a boy closer to a whole person.
Card, as always, is a good writer, concerned more about the character of his characters than about the mechanics of their surroundings.
It's a solid book, but sort of an appendage on the main Ender works, which are Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead, and Xenocide.
Thanks for reading.
I'll say little about the plot, which is well summarized in the immediately previous link.
I will say that Card has dealt with religion quite directly in this book. The main character is not Ender, but Zeck Morgan, a boy whose father is the preacher of Zeck's own church, which seems to be so fundamentalist as to be a cult. Card has created a fanatic religion, and also has created Zeck in such a way that we do not doubt that he believes in the religion that his father preaches, however strange it is.
Card has also considered the influence of religion in the Battle School, the off-world location where Ender, Zeck, and others are being trained to lead in the fight against the alien Buggers. Since children from all over the world have been recruited for Battle School, no religious practice is allowed, lest it be disruptive. However, some Dutch boys start going through the rituals that they would go through at home, related to Sinterklaas. Other boys start giving simple gifts to each other (hence the book's name). The book makes clear that such rituals are not really Christian. But Zeck persuades the Muslim children that Christians are practicing their religion, and to try to practice theirs. The Muslims do their best to engage in daily prayers toward Mecca. The authorities put a stop to this, and the non-Muslim children then stop any gift exchanges.
The book is about another matter, the integration of Zeck Morgan into the society of Battle School, and his concurrent realization that his father was needlessly cruel to him. Ender, himself a pre-teen, accomplishes this by talking to Zeck. (Card's characters do a lot of talking about motivation and feelings.) Although religion cannot be practiced, Zeck is made into a boy closer to a whole person.
Card, as always, is a good writer, concerned more about the character of his characters than about the mechanics of their surroundings.
It's a solid book, but sort of an appendage on the main Ender works, which are Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead, and Xenocide.
Thanks for reading.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A Mostly Forgotten Christmas Hymn, by Charles Wesley
Where is the holy Heav’n-born Child,
Heir of the everlasting throne,
Who Heav’n and earth hath reconciled,
And God and man rejoined in one?
Shall we of earthly kings inquire,
To courts or palaces repair?
The nation’s Hope, the world’s Desire,
Alas! we cannot find Him there.
Shall learning show the sinner’s Friend,
Or scribes a sight of Christ afford?
Us to His natal place they send,
But never go to see their Lord.
We search the outward Church in vain,
They cannot Him we seek declare,
They have not found the Son of Man,
Or known the sacred Name they bear.
Then let us turn no more aside,
But use the light Himself imparts,
His Spirit is our surest Guide,
His Spirit glimmering in our hearts.
Drawn by His grace we come from far,
And fix on Heav’n our wistful eyes,
That ray divine, that orient star
Directs us where the Infant lies.
See there! the newborn Savior see,
By faith discern the great I AM;
’Tis He! the eternal God! ’tis He
That bears the mild Immanuel’s Name.
The Prince of Peace on earth is found,
The Child is born, the Son is giv’n;
Tell it to all the nations round,
Jehovah is come down from Heav’n!
Jehovah is come down to raise
His dying creatures from their fall,
And all may now receive the grace
Which brings eternal life to all.
Lord, we receive the grace and Thee,
With joy unspeakable receive,
And rise Thine open face to see,
And one with God for ever live.
This hymn, which I have never heard sung, is one of over 250 on the Charles Wesley page of nethymnal.org. You can hear music which has accompanied the text at the hymn's own page.
Thanks for reading. A blessed Christmas!
Heir of the everlasting throne,
Who Heav’n and earth hath reconciled,
And God and man rejoined in one?
Shall we of earthly kings inquire,
To courts or palaces repair?
The nation’s Hope, the world’s Desire,
Alas! we cannot find Him there.
Shall learning show the sinner’s Friend,
Or scribes a sight of Christ afford?
Us to His natal place they send,
But never go to see their Lord.
We search the outward Church in vain,
They cannot Him we seek declare,
They have not found the Son of Man,
Or known the sacred Name they bear.
Then let us turn no more aside,
But use the light Himself imparts,
His Spirit is our surest Guide,
His Spirit glimmering in our hearts.
Drawn by His grace we come from far,
And fix on Heav’n our wistful eyes,
That ray divine, that orient star
Directs us where the Infant lies.
See there! the newborn Savior see,
By faith discern the great I AM;
’Tis He! the eternal God! ’tis He
That bears the mild Immanuel’s Name.
The Prince of Peace on earth is found,
The Child is born, the Son is giv’n;
Tell it to all the nations round,
Jehovah is come down from Heav’n!
Jehovah is come down to raise
His dying creatures from their fall,
And all may now receive the grace
Which brings eternal life to all.
Lord, we receive the grace and Thee,
With joy unspeakable receive,
And rise Thine open face to see,
And one with God for ever live.
This hymn, which I have never heard sung, is one of over 250 on the Charles Wesley page of nethymnal.org. You can hear music which has accompanied the text at the hymn's own page.
Thanks for reading. A blessed Christmas!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Beethoven's Birthday
This is the birthday of Beethoven, who was born in 1770. I commemorate this event by linking to a YouTube video of Leonard Bernstein conducting a multinational group of musicians, including both East and West Germans, performing Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, as part of a celebration of the fall of the Berlin Wall, on December 25, 1989. This part of the Ninth Symphony is often used in church hymnals, as "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee."
Beethoven was (and is) noted for the beauty and power of his music, and also for being almost totally deaf, but continuing to compose -- including the Ninth Symphony -- during the last years of his life.
I have previously posted on Beethoven's "Hallelujah Chorus," which also has a link to a YouTube video.
Thanks for reading, and, perhaps, for listening.
Beethoven was (and is) noted for the beauty and power of his music, and also for being almost totally deaf, but continuing to compose -- including the Ninth Symphony -- during the last years of his life.
I have previously posted on Beethoven's "Hallelujah Chorus," which also has a link to a YouTube video.
Thanks for reading, and, perhaps, for listening.
Berlin Wall,
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunspots 239
Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:
Note: I almost always post "Sunspots" on Wednesdays, but have other plans for tomorrow's post, this time.
(or something) Someone alerted the Strange Maps blogger (that's what his blog is about) to a field in Nebraska that's exactly the shape of, well, Nebraska.
(or something) Wired reports that an inventor is connecting earth tremors to musical instruments, to create earth-born (!) music.
Wired reports that a (so far) anonymous Wikipedia editor is being sued for claiming that an actor is homosexual, when the actor denies this. This case raises the issue of web anonymity, of course, and also the issue of whether calling someone homosexual when they aren't is a prosecutable offense. (Would the reverse claim also be?)
(Art, actually) Wired reports on an artist that creates art objects out of old hard drives.
The Beautiful Feet blogger believes he may have found a Christmas prediction in the book of Job, of all places.
More on Jan, who, as I reported previously, finally got around to paying her tithe.
Image source (public domain)
(or something) Someone alerted the Strange Maps blogger (that's what his blog is about) to a field in Nebraska that's exactly the shape of, well, Nebraska.
(or something) Wired reports that an inventor is connecting earth tremors to musical instruments, to create earth-born (!) music.
Wired reports that a (so far) anonymous Wikipedia editor is being sued for claiming that an actor is homosexual, when the actor denies this. This case raises the issue of web anonymity, of course, and also the issue of whether calling someone homosexual when they aren't is a prosecutable offense. (Would the reverse claim also be?)
(Art, actually) Wired reports on an artist that creates art objects out of old hard drives.
The Beautiful Feet blogger believes he may have found a Christmas prediction in the book of Job, of all places.
More on Jan, who, as I reported previously, finally got around to paying her tithe.
Image source (public domain)
Monday, December 14, 2009
War and the environment
I recently read War and Nature: The Environmental Consequences of War in a Globalized World, by Jurgen Brauer. The book, which is not for the faint of heart, as it bristles with notes and bibliography, is nonetheless important, because it is an authoritative volume on an important subject.
Over and over, Brauer points out that we don't really know very much about his subject. The main reason is that wars are not even close to ideal situations for ecological study. Even after a war, things are often chaotic and dangerous. Beside that, the entities involved in fighting wars seldom put a high priority on environmental studies. Also, wars often take place in countries that are poor, and that haven't done much study on the environmental situation before a war was fought, so it is impossible to really know how much damage a war might have done.
There have been some studies, in spite of the situations described in the previous paragraph. There was a study on the environmental effects of the First Gulf War, and there was a study on the environmental effects of the Viet Nam war. There have been a few other studies.
So what does Brauer conclude? Several things.
1) It is likely that wars can be extremely detrimental to the environment, in spite of the lack of studies that support that assumption, so far. Wars are terrible, and we should try to avoid having them.
2) Perhaps the most important cause of damage from war is displaced human populations, who often degrade the environment around where they end up, sometimes because they aren't used to living in the new area, and try to re-create the agriculture of their old place, which may not be appropriate. Not only that, but war refugees are usually, and understandably, desperate for food and fuel, and do considerable damage to their new surroundings to obtain these.
3) Sometimes wars have positive environmental effects. The Korean War left that peninsula with a Demilitarized Zone, which, having little human influence, has become a haven for wildlife.
4) War may be beneficial, in that it interrupts environmentally damaging activity by humans, such as mining and deforestation.
5) It appears that some areas have recovered quite well from the environmental effects of war.
We don't do a very good job, as a species, in taking care of the environment, even in peace time.
Over and over, Brauer points out that we don't really know very much about his subject. The main reason is that wars are not even close to ideal situations for ecological study. Even after a war, things are often chaotic and dangerous. Beside that, the entities involved in fighting wars seldom put a high priority on environmental studies. Also, wars often take place in countries that are poor, and that haven't done much study on the environmental situation before a war was fought, so it is impossible to really know how much damage a war might have done.
There have been some studies, in spite of the situations described in the previous paragraph. There was a study on the environmental effects of the First Gulf War, and there was a study on the environmental effects of the Viet Nam war. There have been a few other studies.
So what does Brauer conclude? Several things.
1) It is likely that wars can be extremely detrimental to the environment, in spite of the lack of studies that support that assumption, so far. Wars are terrible, and we should try to avoid having them.
2) Perhaps the most important cause of damage from war is displaced human populations, who often degrade the environment around where they end up, sometimes because they aren't used to living in the new area, and try to re-create the agriculture of their old place, which may not be appropriate. Not only that, but war refugees are usually, and understandably, desperate for food and fuel, and do considerable damage to their new surroundings to obtain these.
3) Sometimes wars have positive environmental effects. The Korean War left that peninsula with a Demilitarized Zone, which, having little human influence, has become a haven for wildlife.
4) War may be beneficial, in that it interrupts environmentally damaging activity by humans, such as mining and deforestation.
5) It appears that some areas have recovered quite well from the environmental effects of war.
We don't do a very good job, as a species, in taking care of the environment, even in peace time.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Father, God, We Glorify by Charles Wesley
Father, God, we glorify
Thy love to Adam’s seed;
Love that gave Thy Son to die,
And raised Him from the dead:
Him, for our offenses slain,
That we all might pardon find,
Thou hast brought to life again,
The Savior of mankind.
By Thy own right hand of power
Thou hast exalted Him,
Sent the mighty Conqueror
Thy people to redeem:
King of Saints, and Prince of Peace,
Him Thou hast for sinners giv’n,
Sinners from their sins to bless,
And lift them up to Heav’n.
Father, God, to us impart
The gift unspeakable;
Now in every waiting heart
Thy glorious Son reveal:
Quickened with our living Lord,
Let us in Thy Spirit rise,
Rise to all Thy life restored,
And bless Thee in the skies.
In its way, this is a Christmas hymn, in that it talks about sending Christ to us. This is one of over 250 hymns on the Charles Wesley page of nethymnal.org. I have never heard it sung, but you can hear music that has been used to accompany the text on the hymn's own page, here.
Thy love to Adam’s seed;
Love that gave Thy Son to die,
And raised Him from the dead:
Him, for our offenses slain,
That we all might pardon find,
Thou hast brought to life again,
The Savior of mankind.
By Thy own right hand of power
Thou hast exalted Him,
Sent the mighty Conqueror
Thy people to redeem:
King of Saints, and Prince of Peace,
Him Thou hast for sinners giv’n,
Sinners from their sins to bless,
And lift them up to Heav’n.
Father, God, to us impart
The gift unspeakable;
Now in every waiting heart
Thy glorious Son reveal:
Quickened with our living Lord,
Let us in Thy Spirit rise,
Rise to all Thy life restored,
And bless Thee in the skies.
In its way, this is a Christmas hymn, in that it talks about sending Christ to us. This is one of over 250 hymns on the Charles Wesley page of nethymnal.org. I have never heard it sung, but you can hear music that has been used to accompany the text on the hymn's own page, here.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Todd's Blog
I have recently begun subscribing to Todd's Blog, the blog of Todd Wood, a confirmed, and unabashed, Young-Earth Creationist who currently works as a science professor at Bryan College.
Unlike so many Young-Earth Creationists (and those who hold all kinds of other views on origins) Todd Wood clearly understands that there has been far too much propaganda and general screaming at those who don't agree with whoever is speaking. He makes an appeal for sanity and careful presentation of confirmed facts and truth in his latest post. He also has posted a cutting review of Benjamin Wiker's The Darwin Myth, which, Mr. Wood says, is mostly a myth, in spite of rave reviews from various Christians. (I haven't read the book.)
I don't agree with Wood on some important issues, but he is doing a real service, and I appreciate it.
Unfortunately, his blog doesn't allow comments.
Read "Todd's Blog."
Unlike so many Young-Earth Creationists (and those who hold all kinds of other views on origins) Todd Wood clearly understands that there has been far too much propaganda and general screaming at those who don't agree with whoever is speaking. He makes an appeal for sanity and careful presentation of confirmed facts and truth in his latest post. He also has posted a cutting review of Benjamin Wiker's The Darwin Myth, which, Mr. Wood says, is mostly a myth, in spite of rave reviews from various Christians. (I haven't read the book.)
I don't agree with Wood on some important issues, but he is doing a real service, and I appreciate it.
Unfortunately, his blog doesn't allow comments.
Read "Todd's Blog."
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Sunspots 238
Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:
A list of 96 examples, it is said, of bad design, with discussion of each. This web page was written to show that Intelligent Design isn't very, well, intelligent.
Reuters (and others) report that the Obama administration has approved 13 new human stem cell lines for research. There have been ethical safeguards. Some people, of course, think that no research on human embryo cells should be allowed at all.
I found a link to a new blog, Todd's Blog, which deals with origins from a young-earth creationism viewpoint. Unlike all too many such authors, Todd Wood, apparently a Ph.D. in biology, teaching at Bryan College, does not claim that scientific findings rule out views of origins other than young-earth creationism, because he knows that they don't. He sets forth his reason for being a young-earth creationist, which reason is his understanding of scripture. I disagree with him, as many other Christians do, because we believe that scientific data are also part of God's revelation to man, and that they cannot be ignored, and we believe that the Bible can be interpreted differently, without doing violence to the meaning that God intended. But it is refreshing to read an author with his honesty and his qualifications. Unfortunately, his blog does not allow comments.
A study on graduation success rates of football players at schools involved in end-of-year bowl games. There are 14 colleges out of the 38 shown, where white football players have a graduation rate 20% or more higher than the African-American players from the same school. There are some schools where there is little difference, including a few where the whites don't graduate quite as often as the blacks, but that doesn't excuse the shameful overall trend. Texas, which will be playing for the national championship, has a black football player graduation rate of 37%, but the white rate is 69%.
Wired tells us how to test our Internet connection speed.
Jan has some holiday survival tips for singles.
Image source (public domain)
A list of 96 examples, it is said, of bad design, with discussion of each. This web page was written to show that Intelligent Design isn't very, well, intelligent.
Reuters (and others) report that the Obama administration has approved 13 new human stem cell lines for research. There have been ethical safeguards. Some people, of course, think that no research on human embryo cells should be allowed at all.
I found a link to a new blog, Todd's Blog, which deals with origins from a young-earth creationism viewpoint. Unlike all too many such authors, Todd Wood, apparently a Ph.D. in biology, teaching at Bryan College, does not claim that scientific findings rule out views of origins other than young-earth creationism, because he knows that they don't. He sets forth his reason for being a young-earth creationist, which reason is his understanding of scripture. I disagree with him, as many other Christians do, because we believe that scientific data are also part of God's revelation to man, and that they cannot be ignored, and we believe that the Bible can be interpreted differently, without doing violence to the meaning that God intended. But it is refreshing to read an author with his honesty and his qualifications. Unfortunately, his blog does not allow comments.
A study on graduation success rates of football players at schools involved in end-of-year bowl games. There are 14 colleges out of the 38 shown, where white football players have a graduation rate 20% or more higher than the African-American players from the same school. There are some schools where there is little difference, including a few where the whites don't graduate quite as often as the blacks, but that doesn't excuse the shameful overall trend. Texas, which will be playing for the national championship, has a black football player graduation rate of 37%, but the white rate is 69%.
Wired tells us how to test our Internet connection speed.
Jan has some holiday survival tips for singles.
Image source (public domain)
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Global Warming: Karl Zimmer deflates national columnist George Will
I don't know, absolutely, whether there is global warming or not. I don't know, absolutely, whether human activity has had, and is going to continue to have, an effect on climate. But I also don't know, of my own knowledge, whether, say, Ephesians or Nahum are translated correctly, or even should be considered to be inspired. I have to take the word of experts in the fields of the history of the Bible, and of Bible translation. Similarly, I have to take the word of experts in climate research, who, almost without exception, tell us that, for sure, there is global warming. They tell us that the eleven hottest years ever recorded occurred since 1990. They tell us that the polar ice caps are measurably smaller than they used to be.
I recently posted on an unfortunate episode, wherein some global warming scientists apparently tried to conspire to keep what might have been contrary evidence from being published. (See here for my take, with two links to important related items.)
I read George Will's recent syndicated column on this subject, published in the Washington Post, as our local newspaper presented it. Will is a famous global warming skeptic. Today, Karl Zimmer, probably the most important science writer of our time, has analyzed Will's facts, and found them to be seriously wanting, based on misinterpretation and, in some cases, seriously in error, both of which Zimmer documents.
Thanks for reading.
I recently posted on an unfortunate episode, wherein some global warming scientists apparently tried to conspire to keep what might have been contrary evidence from being published. (See here for my take, with two links to important related items.)
I read George Will's recent syndicated column on this subject, published in the Washington Post, as our local newspaper presented it. Will is a famous global warming skeptic. Today, Karl Zimmer, probably the most important science writer of our time, has analyzed Will's facts, and found them to be seriously wanting, based on misinterpretation and, in some cases, seriously in error, both of which Zimmer documents.
Thanks for reading.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Fire at McDonald Hall, Southern Wesleyan University (Used to be Central Wesleyan College) in 1962, 47 years ago today
My wife and I attended the annual employees' Christmas dinner at Southern Wesleyan University recently. (See also Wikipedia article on the institution, here.) I no longer teach there, being retired, but retired employees and their spouses are invited to this event.
I first came to the campus on Labor Day weekend in 1964, under contract to teach science at what was then Central Wesleyan College. At that time, the largest, and newest, building on the campus was Stuart-Bennett hall, a girls' dormitory. The main reason that I applied to CWC was that I was a Wesleyan Methodist (Now The Wesleyan Church), and this institution, like three others in the US, was a college operated by my denomination, and I wanted to serve my Lord through my church. One thing that brought CWC to my mind when I was finishing my graduate work, and looking for the next phase of my life, was that, on the night of December 7, 1962, this small institution had made national headlines. McDonald Hall, the girl's dormitory, burned to the ground that night, and two girls died. I heard about this on the radio in Madison, Wisconsin. Hearing about this event made an impression on me, and that was one of the reasons I applied for a job there.
While my wife and I were on the way to the evening event, I began to think a little about the history of this Christmas meal. The annual Christmas Dinner began, I was told soon after I began to work at CWC, after the fire. The reason for it was that the college wanted to thank the community for their support. Before the fire, CWC wasn't well known, even in the small town of Central, South Carolina. The College pretty much kept to itself. The fire awakened the community, and there were many gestures of support. The College community reciprocated, as they had not before. Since that time, the Christmas Dinner has evolved into a meal to thank the employees, partly, of course, because the fire was so long ago, and also because there are now so many employees that it is impossible to feed them and community representatives at the same time. SWU has other ways of thanking the community, such as a Donors' Banquet.
I also thought about those who worked at CWC during the fire. There are three people who were employees at that time who are still alive -- all of them, like me, retired. I spoke to all three of them in the course of the Dinner. I spoke to two of them about the fire. One of them told me that she was so traumatized by this tragedy that she didn't snap out of it until a few days later, when she and her family attended the annual performance of Messiah at Furman University, which is in the next county. (Christmas traditions change at other institutions, too. Furman no longer holds this performance.) She said that she went to sleep during the performance, and, when she awoke, she was much better.
The other employee, who was Dean of Students during the fire, told me a couple of more dramatic and remarkable things. He had actually gone into the building, with at least one other employee, to try to get anyone out that he could. While he was in there, he said, he was pretty sure that two girls were dead -- they were -- and was complaining to God about how He could let such a thing happen. He said that he had seldom heard God speak to him, but, on this occasion, he did. God told him, he said, to "Shut up. I'll take care of this." And, as we agreed, He had.
The other thing that he told me was one example of how the community helped. He said that, at that time, there was an important apparel manufacturer with a plant near the town, but he hadn't even realized this fact. After the fire, the plant manager sent over a truck full of women's clothes. Of course, the girls in the dormitory had lost all of their clothing except what they had on at the time. This was one example -- there were many others, many lost even to memory by now -- of how the community rallied behind CWC.
God's care was evident materially. Although two girls were lost, the College was able to rally, and seek community and government assistance as they never had before. By the time I came, less than two years later, there was a new dormitory, named for the two young women who died in the fire. (A few years later, that three-story building had two more stories added. It is still a dormitory.) There was a new fine arts building, named for the parents of a wealthy resident of Central, who had donated a significant portion of the funds needed, in their honor. The college was beginning to think about getting accredited, and building some more buildings. Enrollment was increasing. It was about 200 when I came, and is well over ten times that many, including students at other campuses in South Carolina.
The two of us, talking together, agreed that, if the fire hadn't happened, it is very possible that CWC would have soon gone out of existence, and there would be no Southern Wesleyan University today. God used this terrible tragedy for good.
Thanks for reading.
I first came to the campus on Labor Day weekend in 1964, under contract to teach science at what was then Central Wesleyan College. At that time, the largest, and newest, building on the campus was Stuart-Bennett hall, a girls' dormitory. The main reason that I applied to CWC was that I was a Wesleyan Methodist (Now The Wesleyan Church), and this institution, like three others in the US, was a college operated by my denomination, and I wanted to serve my Lord through my church. One thing that brought CWC to my mind when I was finishing my graduate work, and looking for the next phase of my life, was that, on the night of December 7, 1962, this small institution had made national headlines. McDonald Hall, the girl's dormitory, burned to the ground that night, and two girls died. I heard about this on the radio in Madison, Wisconsin. Hearing about this event made an impression on me, and that was one of the reasons I applied for a job there.
While my wife and I were on the way to the evening event, I began to think a little about the history of this Christmas meal. The annual Christmas Dinner began, I was told soon after I began to work at CWC, after the fire. The reason for it was that the college wanted to thank the community for their support. Before the fire, CWC wasn't well known, even in the small town of Central, South Carolina. The College pretty much kept to itself. The fire awakened the community, and there were many gestures of support. The College community reciprocated, as they had not before. Since that time, the Christmas Dinner has evolved into a meal to thank the employees, partly, of course, because the fire was so long ago, and also because there are now so many employees that it is impossible to feed them and community representatives at the same time. SWU has other ways of thanking the community, such as a Donors' Banquet.
I also thought about those who worked at CWC during the fire. There are three people who were employees at that time who are still alive -- all of them, like me, retired. I spoke to all three of them in the course of the Dinner. I spoke to two of them about the fire. One of them told me that she was so traumatized by this tragedy that she didn't snap out of it until a few days later, when she and her family attended the annual performance of Messiah at Furman University, which is in the next county. (Christmas traditions change at other institutions, too. Furman no longer holds this performance.) She said that she went to sleep during the performance, and, when she awoke, she was much better.
The other employee, who was Dean of Students during the fire, told me a couple of more dramatic and remarkable things. He had actually gone into the building, with at least one other employee, to try to get anyone out that he could. While he was in there, he said, he was pretty sure that two girls were dead -- they were -- and was complaining to God about how He could let such a thing happen. He said that he had seldom heard God speak to him, but, on this occasion, he did. God told him, he said, to "Shut up. I'll take care of this." And, as we agreed, He had.
The other thing that he told me was one example of how the community helped. He said that, at that time, there was an important apparel manufacturer with a plant near the town, but he hadn't even realized this fact. After the fire, the plant manager sent over a truck full of women's clothes. Of course, the girls in the dormitory had lost all of their clothing except what they had on at the time. This was one example -- there were many others, many lost even to memory by now -- of how the community rallied behind CWC.
God's care was evident materially. Although two girls were lost, the College was able to rally, and seek community and government assistance as they never had before. By the time I came, less than two years later, there was a new dormitory, named for the two young women who died in the fire. (A few years later, that three-story building had two more stories added. It is still a dormitory.) There was a new fine arts building, named for the parents of a wealthy resident of Central, who had donated a significant portion of the funds needed, in their honor. The college was beginning to think about getting accredited, and building some more buildings. Enrollment was increasing. It was about 200 when I came, and is well over ten times that many, including students at other campuses in South Carolina.
The two of us, talking together, agreed that, if the fire hadn't happened, it is very possible that CWC would have soon gone out of existence, and there would be no Southern Wesleyan University today. God used this terrible tragedy for good.
Thanks for reading.
Central Wesleyan College,
Southern Wesleyan University,
Sunday, December 06, 2009
A Hymn to the Trinity, by Charles Wesley
Hail, co-essential Three,
In mystic Unity!
Father, Son, and Spirit, hail!
God by Heaven and earth adored,
God incomprehensible;
One supreme, almighty Lord,
One supreme, almighty Lord.
Thou sittest on the throne,
Plurality in One;
Saints behold Thine open face,
Bright, insufferably bright;
Angels tremble as they gaze,
Sink into a sea of light,
Sink into a sea of light.
Ah! when shall we increase
Their heavenly ecstasies?
Chant, like them, the Lord Most High,
Fall like them who dare not move;
“Holy, holy, holy,” cry,
Breathe the praise of silent love?
Breathe the praise of silent love?
Come, Father, in the Son
And in the Spirit down;
Glorious Triune Majesty,
God through endless ages blest,
Make us meet Thy face to see,
Then receive us to Thy breast;
Then receive us to Thy breast.
This hymn, which I have never heard sung, is one of over 250 on the Charles Wesley page of NetHymnal.org. The hymn has its own page, here.
Thanks for reading. Praise to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
In mystic Unity!
Father, Son, and Spirit, hail!
God by Heaven and earth adored,
God incomprehensible;
One supreme, almighty Lord,
One supreme, almighty Lord.
Thou sittest on the throne,
Plurality in One;
Saints behold Thine open face,
Bright, insufferably bright;
Angels tremble as they gaze,
Sink into a sea of light,
Sink into a sea of light.
Ah! when shall we increase
Their heavenly ecstasies?
Chant, like them, the Lord Most High,
Fall like them who dare not move;
“Holy, holy, holy,” cry,
Breathe the praise of silent love?
Breathe the praise of silent love?
Come, Father, in the Son
And in the Spirit down;
Glorious Triune Majesty,
God through endless ages blest,
Make us meet Thy face to see,
Then receive us to Thy breast;
Then receive us to Thy breast.
This hymn, which I have never heard sung, is one of over 250 on the Charles Wesley page of NetHymnal.org. The hymn has its own page, here.
Thanks for reading. Praise to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
Friday, December 04, 2009
National Cookie Day!
I hear that today is National Cookie Day! Great!
In case you didn't know it, those food items that North Americans call cookies are called biscuits in the United Kingdom. For more on this use of words, see here. I'm including Canadians in "North Americans," lest there be any doubt. In the part of Canada that I am most familiar with, near Stratford, Ontario, there seems to be a Tim Hortons every kilometer or so -- they like sweet pastries there.
Thanks for reading. Don't eat too much.
In case you didn't know it, those food items that North Americans call cookies are called biscuits in the United Kingdom. For more on this use of words, see here. I'm including Canadians in "North Americans," lest there be any doubt. In the part of Canada that I am most familiar with, near Stratford, Ontario, there seems to be a Tim Hortons every kilometer or so -- they like sweet pastries there.
Thanks for reading. Don't eat too much.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Sunspots 237
Things I have recently spotted that may be of interest to someone else:
(sort of) Wired shows us photos of some really big mechanical devices (using device loosely -- the first one is a cargo plane).
NPR reports on experiments showing that ants are able to keep track of the number of steps they have taken away from their anthill.
Jan paid her tithe, and tells us what happened.
Philip Yancey has written his last column, for a while, anyway, for Christianity Today . He takes a thoughtful look at the way evangelical Christians do things, and is not altogether pleased.
Image source (public domain)
For Christ's pleasure?
Revelation 4:11, in the KJV, reads thus:
At least one worship song is based on that verse, and uses the phrase "for Thy pleasure" in the same way.
I checked the Blueletter Bible. I'm not a Greek scholar, but do report that, of the 12 different English translations given for that verse, only 3, one being the KJV, use this phrase. The rest of them say that things were created by or at Christ's will.
I also checked the Greek lexicon provided by the Blueletter Bible, and found that the KJV almost always translates the word, θέλημα (thelēma), translated as "pleasure," in Revelation 4:11, as "will." In fact, out of over sixty occurrences of the word in the New Testament, Revelation 4:11 and Ephesians 2:3, which refers to a human attitude, not God's, are the only verses where it is not translated as "will."
Perhaps it is correct to say that the universe, and the things in it, were created for Christ's pleasure, but the case is not strong. I don't think we know why we were created. We're probably not capable of understanding the reason or reasons.
Thanks for reading.
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
At least one worship song is based on that verse, and uses the phrase "for Thy pleasure" in the same way.
I checked the Blueletter Bible. I'm not a Greek scholar, but do report that, of the 12 different English translations given for that verse, only 3, one being the KJV, use this phrase. The rest of them say that things were created by or at Christ's will.
I also checked the Greek lexicon provided by the Blueletter Bible, and found that the KJV almost always translates the word, θέλημα (thelēma), translated as "pleasure," in Revelation 4:11, as "will." In fact, out of over sixty occurrences of the word in the New Testament, Revelation 4:11 and Ephesians 2:3, which refers to a human attitude, not God's, are the only verses where it is not translated as "will."
Perhaps it is correct to say that the universe, and the things in it, were created for Christ's pleasure, but the case is not strong. I don't think we know why we were created. We're probably not capable of understanding the reason or reasons.
Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Comfort in hell?
One of the strangest Bible passages I have read recently is this one:
Ezekiel 32:30 “The princes of the north are there, all of them, and all the Sidonians, who have gone down in shame with the slain, for all the terror that they caused by their might; they lie uncircumcised with those who are slain by the sword, and bear their shame with those who go down to the pit.
31 “When Pharaoh sees them, he will be comforted for all his multitude, Pharaoh and all his army, slain by the sword, declares the Lord God. 32 For I spread terror in the land of the living; and he shall be laid to rest among the uncircumcised, with those who are slain by the sword, Pharaoh and all his multitude, declares the Lord God.” (ESV. This is a page that gives copyright information for the ESV.)
There is the abode of the dead, and, in Pharaoh's case, the unrighteous dead. Comforted? Really? That was so strange a phrase that I checked it with the Blueletter Bible, which gives several versions of 32:31. They all agree, so this is not a mistranslation by the ESV.
Despite the title, it is not clear that Pharaoh, in this passage, is actually in hell. (See the Wikipedia article on Sheol.)
Like a lot of other things in the Bible, I can't explain this one. Perhaps you can. I will say that, even if there is some sort of comfort in hell, that doesn't make make hell any more desirable. It should be avoided at all costs!
Thanks for reading.
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